的 改变的力量 Program is a community outreach program funded by Ravalli Electric Cooperative (REC) co-op members. Members contribute by rounding up their electric bill payments each month to the nearest dollar. 的 “change” collected from rounding up bills is used to help fund local organizations in need.
的 goal of the 改变的力量 program is to help local organizations and communities address unmet needs in the areas of youth, 教育, 公共安全, 健康, 社区和紧急服务等等.
所有的要求都必须填写申请表. 所有申请都会被考虑. Requests are reviewed by the 改变的力量 Board on a quarterly basis where funds will be decided and later distributed. 请注意:由于我们的项目收到了大量的捐赠请求, 申请人在12个月内只可递交一次捐款申请.
Few programs anywhere can boast the life-changing impact that the 改变的力量 program can make upon the lives of people in Ravalli County.
到目前为止, other participating cooperative members throughout the nation have given over $50 million back into their communities by simply allowing their monthly electric bills to be rounded-up to the nearest dollar.
的 money generated from participation in programs all over the country has helped communities in many different ways. 例如, Emergency Response Agencies have been granted funds to purchase equipment necessary to answer swiftly the call of duty. 青年组织, 比如男孩女孩俱乐部和4-H, have received grants that have allowed them to buy recreational equipment and supplies for their activities. 100% of the funds collected through this program will be used in support of local organizations in need.
它的工作方式很简单. 如果一个会员的电费是64美元.账单四舍五入到65美元,然后是0美元.83个项目将分配给“变革的力量”项目. 的re are no costs associated with running the program and 100% of the funds are distributed back into Ravalli County.
的 average yearly donation to 改变的力量 by a participating member is less than $6. 每位会员最多捐赠11美元.全年玛雅吧软件个.
所有会员将自动注册开始该计划. This is a voluntary program however, and members can opt-out at any time by calling the office at (406) 961-3001.
一个由5名志愿者组成的董事会管理着“改变的力量”项目. 董事会由REC成员组成,独立于合作社董事会运作. 的 改变的力量 board meet quarterly to evaluate applications and decide which organizations will receive funds.
的 改变的力量 program is a chance for REC members to help make a difference in their communities for just a few cents each month.
请注意:由于我们的项目收到了大量的捐赠请求, 申请人在12个月内只可递交一次捐款申请.
Funds to provide tokens and laundry soap for free laundry service to homeless and low income families in need in the Bitterroot Valley. 爱你的汉密尔顿 is a non-profit organization that has a 任务 to offer the homeless and low income individuals an opportunity to wash their laundry and bedding for free at Fast and Fluffy in Hamilton,MT.
为他们的Auto/CAD程序购买一台新笔记本电脑的资金, 并为他们的教室增加电脑桌和电脑椅. 顶峰就业中心 is a nonprofit organization whose 任务 is to help people find and start new careers that will help improve their quality of life. 的y offer tuition free personal and professional training programs to help people succeed and achieve life long goals and careers.
为青少年床购置新床垫和床罩的资金. 青年之家的工作人员照顾遭受虐待的儿童, 忽视, 情感创伤和药物滥用问题. 的 任务 青年之家的 “帮助每个年轻人感到安全,有归属感,找到一个称之为家的地方.”
资金购买2个充气筏,教授水上安全, 领导, 以及与训练中的学员的团队合作. 的 (BVMP) 一个资深员工项目是否注重领导力, 通过社区服务获得公民身份, 自律, 健康的生活, 远离毒品的生活方式,同时锻炼身体, 以及基本的生活技能.
该项目始于1989年南卡罗来纳州的一家小型电力合作社. 的 idea of rounding up the co-op member's electric bill to the next dollar and use the combined funds to do good work in your community. 从那时起, the program has been adopted by more than 260 electric co-ops nationwide and has raised more then $50 million for co-op communities. REC的董事会决定在2019年启动慈善捐赠计划.
你每月的电费被四舍五入到最接近的金额. All REC Members are automatically enrolled in the program and will remain enrolled until they request to be removed from it. 会员可随时致电(406) 961-3001.
的 改变的力量 program is designed to generate and collect voluntary donations that are used to benefit organizations in Ravalli County for the purpose of improving the quality of life of our members and their communities. 累积的款项将存入信托基金. 应用程序s to receive these funds will be completed and reviewed by the 改变的力量 Board at which time the funds will be dispersed.
每位会员每年的平均捐赠额为6美元,但每人最多可以捐赠11美元.每年玛雅吧软件英镑. 你每月的账单会显示捐款的数额, 你会看到每年的资金总额,因为你的捐款是免税的.
We believe our members would want this program to have as much positive impact in the community as possible. Based on the experiences of other electric co-ops that participate in a round up program, 一个成功的项目最好的方法就是从一开始就把每个人都包括进来.
We have completed a campaign through multiple communication channels to inform our membership of this program and why we are implementing it. 在此期间, members have also been informed that participation is voluntary and any member can decline or opt out of the program at any time.
该项目由一个由5名REC成员组成的志愿者委员会运营. 的 board reviews applications and makes decisions regarding approval and funding levels within the guidelines of the 改变的力量 bylaws.
拉瓦利县内的任何组织都可以申请资助. 根据项目指导方针,这包括:非营利组织, 社区组织或志愿者组织, 教育, 民间组织, 以及应急响应机构等等.
应用程序s from organizations should be targeted to specific projects or program support. 基金不会分配给个人, 政治团体, 筹款活动, 教会或宗教组织.
我们将在网站上公布分配的基金名单 , featured periodically in our monthly Rural Montana Magazine and other communication channels.
No, those eligible to apply for funds include groups and organizations located within Ravalli County. 申请人毋须是谘询委员会的成员方可申请.
是的,所有对“改变的力量”项目的捐款都是免税的. 十二月份的电费单会显示你全年的电费总额.
是的, our cooperative Attorney has reviewed the bylaws of the 改变的力量 program and filed all of the documentation to implement the program. 除了, all campaigning of the program has been done through several communication channels to inform our membership of the program and their option to participate or choose not to participate.